Mighty Hoop Adjustable Fixture for Hoops 6.5" & Larger
Product Code: MH-ADJ-FIX
Mighty Hoop Adjustable Fixture for Hoops 6.5" & Larger
Mighty Hoop Adjustable Hoop Fixture for your HoopMaster System. Holds most sizes of Mighty Hoops 6.5" and larger including 10" x 10" / 8" x 13" / 11" x 13" / 12.5" x 15.75" and 13" x 16" Hoops on the HoopMaster Station.
It also holds the backing material during hooping, but unlike the 5.5" fixture, it does not have arms to hold the top hoop.
This fixture has a built in drilling jig to add holes to your station.